Ready to Read at Lake County Public Library — I Love You as Big as a Rainbow by Joan Summers,...

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I Love You as Big as a Rainbow by Joan Summers, illustrated by Alberta Torres

Small Bear and Big Bear get stuck in a rainstorm, and Big Bear points out a beautiful rainbow. The rainbow fades and disappears as the sun comes back out, but Small Bear wanted to keep the rainbow.

The book cover shows a big bear with a little bear on its back. The craft described below is next to the bookALT

Together, the bears find all of the colors of the rainbow from the forest around them. As you flip through the pages your child will have fun spotting all of the colorful details in the illustrations.

This book will help kids practice reading, talking, and playing, and will build their print awareness, vocabulary, and background knowledge.

Extend the book with watercolor hearts!

You will need:

  • Black permanent marker OR a heart-shaped cookie-cutter and paint
  • Watercolor paper
  • Watercolor paint

Use a black permanent marker to draw large, overlapping hearts on watercolor paper. Alternatively, you can dip a heart-shaped cookie cutter in paint and have your child stamp hearts onto the paper.

Paper with several hearts drawn in black marker overlappingALT

Once that is dry, color the hearts in with watercolor paint. You can paint each section one color, or blend colors together.

A hand painting various colors onto the wet paperALT

As you paint, name the colors with your child and practice blending colors to see what new colors you can make.

preschool activities painting for kids i love you as big as a rainbow joan summers alberta torres kids books rainbows watercolor ecrr extension activities reading talking playing print awareness vocabulary vocab builder background knowledge

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#preschool activities #painting for kids #joan summers #alberta torres #kids books #rainbows #watercolor #ecrr extension activities #reading #talking #playing #print awareness #vocabulary #vocab builder #background knowledge